At Morris's of Usk we have a good selection of roses to choose from including climbers, ramblers, hybrid teas, shrub roses, patio roses and standards. Whether you want to grow a rose over an arch, have one in a pot on the patio or give as a gift for a special occasion we have a rose to suit every situation.
David Austin roses have become increasingly popular over the years for their quality, reliability and choice. We have a wide range of New English roses, old roses, climbers and ramblers many of them wonderfully fragranced and with beautiful double flowers.
We usually have a good selection of roses in stock at Morris's but please note that stock changes on a daily basis and if you are looking for a particular variety please ring us before visiting the garden centre to check availability and avoid disappointment.
Rose care
November to March is the best time to buy and plant your roses while they are dormant.
To eliminate dead wood and help produce strong, healthy stems pruning roses is a must. Start in early spring according to the type of rose you have, using sharp, clean secateurs or pruning sheers. Cut out all the dead and dying stems and then encourage a good shaped plant by cutting just above outward facing buds. Roses can also be cut back in November to stop wind rock over the winter.
Spring is the time to start feeding your roses. We sell a whole range of rose feeds, Toprose being an excellent one. Keep up the feeding programme to the end of July after which you don’t want to be encouraging any new, vulnerable growth before winter.
As soon as the first leaves start to appear on roses they will attract a whole host of pests and diseases and will do so throughout the growing season. Use a good pesticide and fungicide and apply as directed on the label.
We sell all the products you need for pruning, feeding and controlling pests and diseases on your roses.